
The Website

Downloads and Release Notes

Taking a tour through the website I first came upon the Downloads a Release Notes where a user can find what is new with the latest release, what is in testing stages and links to downloads. As of the date of this page PHP 8.2.0 is currently in Beta 3. Clicking on What’s New in 8.1 will bring the user to a page listing the new features and their details. Under each heading there is sample code to review or use.


On the documentation page a user can obtain an online version of the manual in several languages. There are also links to check out how the documentation is edited and translated. Among the available links a user will see documentation for older versions. This might be helpful for troubleshooting old code.

Get Involved

This section of the site is dedicated to providing information for contributors. I was surprised to see that contributions are not just monetary. A web developer can participate in running and documenting the testing. They can fill out bug reports after maybe finding and diagnosing failed tests. The bottom of the page includes some helpful links for developers.

Summary of Documentation

This site is rich with resources for web developers and people who just play around with their own website. Get a download of a new version. Volunteer to test upcoming versions of PHP and grab snippets of code from the newest version. Pitch an idea for future releases and much more.
