History of PHP
Who and Why PHP
PHP was developed in 1994 by Rasmus Lendorf as a tool for creating personal home pages. It was initially called Personal Home Pahe, but this was changed to PHP Hypertext processor. I personally like the original name. PHP is processed in the server and it is used to help web pages perform more functions. It can be enbedded into HTML, and it can be used to make code that can be reused in multiple places. It's free. It runs on may different platforms and it works with databases.
PHP Environment
PHP is easy to use and there is a very large network of developers using it. There are websites like w3 Schools full of tips and tutorials.
Usage of PHP on the Internet
According to TrioBlog Facebook, Wikipedia, Tumblr, Slack, MailChimp, Etsy, and WrodPress are among the more populare websites using PHP.
Because PHP is easy to learn and there are an abundance of resoures, it is popular. It is very versatile, and it can make coding easier as I am about to learn.