Define/Explain Can I Use
CanIUse is a site that web developers can use to find out if the code that they are using can be read by the browsers that are used by the general public. If something is not listed anyone can request it to be listed. There is an option where if the developer has already compiled the research they can submit their data for consideration. All requests are managed by GitHub.
4 Specific Uses of resource information
Referring to CanIUse helps in making decisions about development and design of websites. Features properties or parameters can be entered into the search. The table displays the browsers and the specific releases in color code. It is possible to change the color scheme for people who are color blind or simply just want to look at different colors. According to CanIUse FAQs that color scheme will be applied the next time the site is accessed. The tabs under the table display notes, sub features, and other useful information. One tab lets the developer test their site on a real browser.
2 Properties - Links to page(s) - Document the Property
flexboxFlexbox is a popular feature that is searched. It is used on sites all over. Hovering over Firefox version 2-21 opens a box that informs a developer that the 2-21 version of the Firefox browser does not support the wrapping feature of flexbox. Depending on the target audience of the site, one may decide not to use that feature.
content-visibilityContent-visibility helps boost performance of a site by stopping the browser from rendering something until it is in the user’s viewport. This feature is not yet widely supported. A developer might be smart to wait to incorporate it into their page until it gains more support. This is good to know.
CanIUse is full of great information and should be consulted to ensure that the site being developed can be viewed at its best. Businesses benefit from a site that performs well and visitors to websites will return to a page that is easy to view. It is easy to make suggestions or contribute. It just makes sense use it because it is free and it could prevent sites from looking broken.