4R Hamburger Menu Recipes

Hamburger Menus from Digital Design Journal

There is so much information on this site. The article begins with the history of the Hamburger Menu. They report that Norm Cox designed it in the 1980’s for Xerox. The 3-bar design was a way to point users to a drop-down list. I remember the small screens on copy machines back then. I imagine that it saved space for the important information on the screen. If you did not see what you wanted, you could open the Hamburger Menu and go to a different category of options.

Hamburger Menus from Shark Coder

This site has tutorials that walks you through how to create hamburger menus. They explain how Hamburger Menus are a space saving tool. The creators of this site show HTML, CSS, and JQuery code examples.

Hamburger Menus from Slider Revolution

The Slider Revolution article opens by talking about how web designers want to modernize and minimalize their websites and Hamburger Menus are popular for this reason. I loved that, because I had just read the history of Hamburger Menus in a prior article. This does illustrate how content creators sometimes just fill space with words, but they may not do a bunch of research. They do provide several cool examples, with accompanying code.

Hamburger Menus from Dunebook

The Dunebook article talks about how the Hamburger menu serves to make a site uncluttered. They also show a number of cool hamburger menu options. I found the first example that Dunebook lists is the Atomic Hamburger. I think that I want to try to use it for this assignment. They provide code for their examples. Hopefully it is easy enough for a novice, such as I am at this time, to follow.

Hamburger Menus from Alvarotrigo

The Alvarotrigo site shows the different types like Hot Dog, and Strawberry shapes. Like the others it also includes code for the examples. It also breaks down a few of the menu types like sliding responsive menus and full screen menus.


There are so many sites that share information, design ideas and accompanying code. I was compelled to use these 5 even though I only needed three for the assignment. These are not all of them either. There are so many sites that share Hamburger Menu ideas and code.